Copilots Review

Copilots Review Episode 78- The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle

Episode Summary

Did you know that Rocky & Bullwinkle had a short lived reboot in 2018? No? Neither did we! As part of our personal celebration of Gen Con, the best four days in gaming, we reviewed The 2018 reboot of The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle. How does this relate to Gen Con one might shrewdly inquire? And that answer would be simple. The System Mastery podcast are reviewing The Rocky & Bullwinkle roleplaying game live on Friday, August 4th at Gen Con. Is this entire episode a plug for this podcast's favorite podcast? Who can say!

Episode Notes

Did you know that Rocky & Bullwinkle had a short lived reboot in 2018? No? Neither did we! As part of our personal celebration of Gen Con, the best four days in gaming, we reviewed The 2018 reboot of The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle. How does this relate to Gen Con one might shrewdly inquire? And that answer would be simple. The System Mastery podcast are reviewing The Rocky & Bullwinkle roleplaying game live on Friday, August 4th at Gen Con. Is this entire episode a plug for this podcast's favorite podcast? Who can say! 


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We would love to thank JaxGameFace for our wonderful intro and outro music. Jax can be found streaming on Twitch at and on Twitter at @FaceJax

Lastly we want to thank Jessica Kuczynski! She designed our awesome podcast art. You can find her other work, her shop or commission her for original art at her website or at her Twitter