Copilots Review

Copilots Review 96- Ghosts (US)

Episode Summary

Apologies to all our loyal passengers for missing our September 2nd upload as we took the day off for US Labor Day but we did produce inflight entertainment for you. We decided to kick off spoopy season a little early with a review of the US adaptation of the UK sitcom Ghosts.

Episode Notes

Apologies to all our loyal passengers for missing our September 2nd upload as we took the day off for US Labor Day but we did produce inflight entertainment for you. We decided to kick off spoopy season a little early with a review of the US adaptation of the UK sitcom Ghosts.

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New episodes on the 2nd and 22nd of every month, with interstitial episodes released on the 12th.

You can find us on YouTube. Check us out here --> Copilots Review on YouTube

If you would like to contact us or recommend a series for us to watch/listen/play/otherwise interact with and review you can email us at or reach us on Twitter at @copilotsreview, or join the Discord or find all of these options at Thanks again!

We would love to thank JaxGameFace for our wonderful intro and outro music. Jax can be found streaming on Twitch at and on Twitter at @FaceJax

Lastly we want to thank Jessica Kuczynski! She designed our awesome podcast art. You can find her other work, her shop or commission her for original art at her website or at her Twitter